速報APP / 美妝造型 / Black Braided Haircuts 2017

Black Braided Haircuts 2017





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Black Braided Haircuts 2017(圖1)-速報App

African hair braiding is very versatile: microbraids, cornrows, fishtail braids, blocky braids, black braided buns, twist braids, tree braids, hair bands, French braids and more are at your disposal. Once you pick a desired braiding style, thickness and have your hair braided, you may shape your braids into gorgeous hairstyles both for every day and special events.

Braids are an easy and so pleasant way to forget about hair styling for months, give your hair some rest and protect it from harsh environmental factors. Besides, with the awesome hairstyles listed below you will attract attention, admiring glances and sincere smiles.

Black Braided Haircuts 2017(圖2)-速報App

Braided hairstyles make space for creativity. There are many interesting braiding techniques to make every head unique. Besides, you can experiment with highlights, natural or curly texture, clips, patterns, shapes, etc.

Black Braided Haircuts 2017(圖3)-速報App

Black Braided Haircuts 2017(圖4)-速報App

Black Braided Haircuts 2017(圖5)-速報App

Black Braided Haircuts 2017(圖6)-速報App